8.6 Evaluation
There are many different metrics which can be used in machine learning and computer vision, including precision, recall, mean average precision, etc. These metrics are each useful for different things, and for a complete understanding of an algorithm it is often necessary to measure all of them, and obtain a rounded view of the problem. Indeed, we have used them while building our system. However, we are not so much interested in the performance of the networks themselves, since there is extensive research on this, but rather in the performance of our system for our full problem, that is, transformation of SignWriting images into useful computational representations.
To measure this, we use accuracy, which is a balanced scoring metric and has the added benefit that it can be directly compared between our solution and the baseline direct approach. Accuracy is a measure of how good predictions by an inference system are, by dividing correct predictions by the total number of instances. We adapt the concept (proportion of correct over total) to three different measures which are useful to us. The key aspect to evaluate is the predicted graphemes: how many of them can be found, and how accurate their predicted features are. The third measurement combines the first two into an overall performance of the full task.
First, we need to measure detection accuracy, that is, whether predicted graphemes are actually there, and whether the graphemes which are there are found at all (equation 8.1).
\[ \mbox{Detection Accuracy} = \frac{\mbox{correct detections}}{\mbox{total detections} + \mbox{missed dets.}} \]
A grapheme is considered correctly predicted if the area of the bounding box sufficiently overlaps the true bounding box. If there is no true grapheme where a predicted grapheme is found, it is not counted as a correct detection, and if no grapheme is predicted where the true annotation has one, it is counted as a missed detection.
Then we need to measure whether the labels assigned to each grapheme are correct, that is, classification accuracy. This is only measured for graphemes which are correctly detected, and it is the proportion of the correctly classified graphemes over the total number of correct detections (equation 8.2).
\[ \mbox{Classification Accuracy} = \frac{\mbox{correctly classified}}{\mbox{correct detections}} \]
Finally, a combined measure is computed, overall accuracy (equation 8.3), which scores each solution for the global task of recognizing SignWriting. It counts the graphemes correctly detected and classified, dividing it among the total number of predictions and missed predictions.
\[ \mbox{Overall Accuracy} = \frac{\mbox{correctly classified}}{\mbox{total detections} + \mbox{missed dets.}} \]
Accuracy measures are proportions, so the three given scores range from 0 (worse) to 1 (perfect) values.
To evaluate the performance of the algorithms closer to how they would be used in the real world, and as is standard practice, we split our logogram data into two sets: a training set, used to automatically learn the patterns, and a testing set which is not used in training. This set is never seen by the algorithm, and thus simulates real world, previously unseen, data. The different accuracy measurements are evaluated on this test set. There are 791 logograms in the training set, and 191 in the test set, resulting in a total of 4840 graphemes in the training set and 1231 in the test one.
The results of computing these metrics for our solution and the baseline single YOLO network are shown in Table 8.1. The overall accuracy of the direct approach is of 0.58, which may seem low but is impressive for the complexity of the problem. Our pipeline manages to increase performance by 17%, to an overall accuracy of 0.68. This improvement alone shows the validity of our approach, and a human analysis of the pipeline results gives an even more optimistic view. Often, the pipeline makes mistakes that are less severe than a complete failure. For example, similar hand shapes are often confused, or diacritics mixed up. While these are indeed wrong predictions, and are counted as such in the accuracy computations, the partial truth that they are able to predict can still be useful for downstream applications to process, and this is the great advantage of the pipeline.
Solution | Detection | Classification | Overall |
Single YOLO | 0.67 | 0.88 | 0.58 |
Pipeline | 0.86 | 0.78 | 0.68 |
Our full experimental setup can be reproduced using our published dataset (https://zenodo.org/record/6337885, Sevilla, Lahoz-Bengoechea, y Díaz 2022), which includes the Data Version Control (“DVC”, Kuprieiev et al. 2021) configuration files that define the experiments, and scripts for performing every step. These scripts use our software Quevedo (Sevilla, Díaz, y Lahoz-Bengoechea 2022), a tool for annotating and processing graphical language datasets. To examine the repository, for example one could use the following commands:
$ wget https://zenodo.org/record/6337885/
$ tar xzf visse-corpus-2.0.0.tgz
$ cd visse-corpus
$ pip install quevedo[web]
$ quevedo web
To reproduce the machine learning evaluation, one also needs to have DVC and Darknet installed. Then, it is as simple as issuing the DVC “reproduce” command:
$ dvc repro
This includes all information needed to reproduce our experiments, since all the steps and data of our experimental setup are contained in the different configuration files and software. However, since Quevedo is generic, not only can our SignWriting experimentation be reproduced, but also its ideas applied to other datasets and domains.
8.6.1 Error Analysis
In a more in-depth analysis, the first immediate observation is that the single YOLO detection performance is too low to be useful. While its classification score is good, this is an effect of only classifying a handful of graphemes, the ones that have been detected. Detection, however, misses too many graphemes, essentially ignoring those which are not common enough. While focusing on the most common data is not a bad strategy in many situations, in this case detection performance is too low to justify it. Furthermore, for our purposes, incomplete predictions can be useful, since a lot of the meaning in the transcription can be later reconstructed, which can not be done for a missed detection.
As was advanced before, the probable reason for this lower detection accuracy is that, by giving all the features to the YOLO algorithm, it can not see the common properties of the different grapheme classes. We tell it that a touch diacritic is a different thing than a rub diacritic, so it needs to differentiate them and can not exploit their graphical similarities. This impedes proper generalization, and thus the network only learns to detect and classify graphemes which it has seen enough, ignoring the rest.
In our pipeline solution, only the CLASS
feature is
given to the detector network to predict. The different grapheme
classes have been chosen due to their graphical properties, so the
network can exploit this to learn to discriminate them while at the
same time being able to generalize to instances not seen before. In
fact, the YOLO network is better at this rough classification than a
grapheme classifier network trained specifically for this task. It is
likely that in this case, having the full logogram context can help,
rather than hinder, prediction. Diacritics are smaller than hands,
which are smaller than head graphemes. Arrow components (heads, stems
and arcs) are usually found together. This context is lost when
isolating the grapheme, but present in the full logogram, so the
detector can use it to give us a first rough classification which we
then apply to split further processing into branches.
Regarding topographic accuracy of detection, that is, how close the predicted bounding boxes are to the annotated ones, it is generally good across different configurations that we have tried. Detecting and separating black-on-white objects is generally easy for the network, with two very relevant exceptions. The first problem are diagonal elongated objects, that is, arrow stems. These graphemes are sometimes very long, and when rotated, they may actually occupy very little of their bounding box—the bounding box is square, but the stems only fill the diagonal. This can be a problem when other objects are present in the bounding box, even if not overlapping the actual arrow.
The second problem is, precisely, overlaps. While YOLO networks
seem to do a good job with partially obstructed objects, sometimes
graphemes are placed in a “cross” configuration, where they overlap
diagonally, and the ends of the lower grapheme spread to both sides of
the overlapping one. To further complicate this issue, graphemes so
placed often have the same CLASS
. Hands can be placed on
top of each other, movements can have cross-like trajectories, etc. It
is likely that YOLO networks have trouble with these combinations due
to the way the edge and interior probabilities are merged by the
network to find the predicted bounding boxes.
Fortunately, while not uncommon, these two detection problems are the only issues in this step, and do not hinder further classification of graphemes.
By splitting the accuracy measurement for each grapheme class as in
Table 8.2,
more detail can be seen. It is clear that two grapheme classes are
especially problematic: HAND
and ARC
. Their
classification is a tough problem, which can be seen in the low
detection of the single shot YOLO network (remember that it performs
detection and classification at the same step, so difficult to
remember graphemes will not be detected at all) and in the
classification accuracy of the pipeline.
Oneshot | Pipeline | |||||
Det. | Class. | Overall | Det. | Class. | Overall |
0.79 | 0.93 | 0.73 | 0.90 | 0.85 | 0.76 |
0.80 | 0.81 | 0.65 | 1.00 | 0.65 | 0.65 |
0.82 | 0.89 | 0.73 | 0.90 | 0.83 | 0.75 |
0.69 | 0.91 | 0.62 | 0.83 | 0.89 | 0.73 |
0.48 | 0.74 | 0.35 | 0.88 | 0.61 | 0.54 |
0.51 | 0.56 | 0.28 | 0.44 | 0.55 | 0.24 |
ARC graphemes, which represent curved movement trajectories, are
numerous and very varied, while at the same time being the class with
lowest number of instances found in the corpus. It is also the case
that hand-drawn arcs tend to present the highest graphical
variability, since many different angles and sizes can be used by the
transcriber to represent the same meaning. Both issues lead us to
think that increasing the number of ARC
instances in the
training data is the most important step to be taken, but more
detailed processing like the one done for HAND
s may also
HAND graphemes are also very difficult, probably more so than
s, due to the multitude of features to be predicted
and how they interact. However, hands are probably the most prominent
articulator of sign languages, and as such appear in good numbers in
the corpus. This can be seen in the huge leap in detection accuracy,
from 0.48 by the single YOLO network to 0.88 by the pipeline, and the
overall accuracy improvement from 0.35 to 0.54.
In both cases, classification accuracy affects overall performance,
but detection accuracy is much better with the pipeline than in the
YOLO single shot solution. As said before, being able to detect that a
grapheme is present is fundamental for correct computational
representation of SignWriting. It is of utmost importance to detect
hands, which the single YOLO often fails to do, and in the case of
s knowing that a sign has some curved or circular
movement, even if the concrete details are not known, is already very
useful information.
8.6.2 Limitations of the system
There are a number of limitations to our work, the most important of which is related to the data used for training the deep learning algorithms. The corpus we have collected is very representative of the different graphemes available for composing SignWriting, but there are other dimensions along which there is not so much variation. For example, most of our transcriptions come from a single informant, so there can be stylistic choices made by that informant and peculiar to their use of SignWriting. Additionally, our logograms represent signs from Spanish Sign Language, so graphemes that codify features not common in Spanish Sign Language may not be properly represented. To overcome this limitation, more data need to be available, and we will work in the future to acquire them.
Thinking about the graphical context of the logograms, all of our samples are in black font on white background, and have been preprocessed to maximize contrast. This can be solved with more data, from more contexts (e.g. ruled or squared paper, using colored ink, from a camera photo with bad lightning) or by adding a preprocessing step to our system which corrects for this kind of variations.
As to the machine learning algorithms employed, it is likely that there are better algorithms available. The state of the art in deep learning is rapidly improving, and it seems every other year there is a major breakthrough. This algorithms could be swapped in, replacing the neural networks we use and improving accuracy. However, since the difficulty of our problem lies in the complexity of the data and the small amount available, our system can continue to work as is, augmenting the machine learning techniques with the expert knowledge and therefore improving overall performance.
8.6.3 Practical application
The system described in this article, including the featureful description of SignWriting instances and the automatic pipeline capable of extracting it, underlies the “Visualizing SignWriting” application (https://github.com/agarsev/visse-app). This application was one of the results of project “Visualizando la SignoEscritura” (VisSE, “Visualizing SignWriting” in Spanish) which seeked to create tools for the better use of SignWriting in the digital world. The user-facing result is a web application able to recognize instances of SignWriting, be them scanned from the user device or created from an image processing software, and explain them to the user via textual descriptions of the graphemes and 3D models of the hands. This application validates our approach by showing, on the one hand, the use of image recognition to process SignWriting, and on the other hand, the usefulness of our annotation schema which can be leveraged to generate explanations for the components of a newly seen logogram.