Automated Extraction of Prosodic Structure from Unannotated Sign Language Video
Prosody is an important carrier of linguistic information in sign languages. One prominent way this manifests is through the temporal structure of signs, including their rhythm and intensity of articulation. To empirically observe these effects, the velocity of the hands can be computed throughout the execution of a sign.
We propose a method for extracting this information from unlabeled videos of sign language, utilizing CoTracker, a recent advancement in computer vision that can track every point in a video without any calibration or fine-tuning. The dominant hand is identified through clustering of the computed point velocities, and its dynamic profile is plotted to reveal the prosodic structure of signing.
Prosodic Profiles
An MH sign: BSL “LOOK”. Segments are clearly identifiable in the plot, and
conform to Liddell and Johnson’s model of movements and holds.
We plot the velocity of articulation (speed of the hand(s)) throughout the video duration. This generates a prosodic profile that helps elucidate the temporal structure of signing: distinct segments produce identifiable regions in the plots. Movement direction (line color), distinguishes changes of regime in articulation and aids in the identification of segments.
Movement segments (M) are characterized by peaks in velocity as the hand moves between target points, while hold segments (H) are plateaus with minimal movement, where the hand is held in position. Circular segments appear as regions of sustained elevated speed, but slow enough to be perceptible.
The segments with higher velocity are not necessarily the most significant. For instance, preparation and accomodation segments occur at the beggining and end of signing, or between components of a compound sign.
This pattern is also observed in signs with double repetition, where are typically three peaks: the two lexical strikes and an accomodation segment in between. Remarkably, this structure is highly consistent across different languages.
MM sign in LSE: “NEVER”. Between the two lexical segments, an accomodation
segment can be seen.
A compound sign in LSE: “FIREFIGHTER”. There is a brief segment, which is either a hold
or a small movement for contact, for the helment, and then a circular movement for
the hose.
Another MM sign in LSE: “COUSIN”. The often called “two syllables” here are similar
to those in “NEVER”, but not to the ones in “FIREFIGHTER”.
Similar MM structure can be observed across languages: ASL (“FROG”), BSL (“AUCTION”) and LSE
BSL sentence: “HER DAUGHTER WORKS HERE”, showing many features of prosodic
structure in continuous speech.
Articulator track
The articulator (hand) position can also be tracked in the video, shown here along with the corresponding prosodic profile.
Target points
Minima in the prosodic profile are key points in articulation, the “targets” of movement segments. We can extract thumbnails from the video at those points to present a static summary of sign articulation.
Related resources
Kopf, M., Schulder, M., and Hanke, T. (2022). “The Sign Language Dataset Compendium: Creating an Overview of Digital Linguistic Resources”
Karaev, N., Rocco, I., Graham, B., Neverova N., Vedaldi A., and Rupprecht C. (2023). “CoTracker: It is Better to Track Together”