- SignWriting is phonetic
- Flexible representation of space
- Can be handwritten
- A graphical language in itself
- Grapheme classes: HAND, HEAD, DIAC, ARRO, STEM, ARC
- Tags for grapheme shape and graphical variations
- Tags for spatial transformations (rotation, reflection)
- Movements decomposed into segments
The VisSE Corpus is a publicly available collection of instances of Spanish SignWriting.
- 982 logograms (transcriptions of signs)
- 6060 graphemes (each of the symbols: hands, faces, movements…)
- Manually annotated
Quevedo is an open source library and application for annotating and automatically processing corpora of graphical languages.
The representation encoded in the annotation, and the data we have collected in the corpus, allows us to build an automatic recognition of SignWriting pipeline using deep learning.
This recognition is used in a web application that explains (in Spanish) the meaning of SignWriting transcriptions.